Thursday, 2 August 2012

Thanks for watching my back best friend

You know my innermost being
You watched me fall and with so much love
Couldn't wait to see me rise again
Your love for me has always been fierce and sustaining
I only ended up realizing how fierce lately
Thanks for watching my back

The true test of friendship is indeed loyalty
Dankie my redeemer for showing me what true friendship is..

You knew how active my heart was...
Beating with such beautiful rythm
Only it isn't time yet....
You waited until my hrt was calm and restful
Then u revealed true intent to me
I woke and deliberately shrugged off the memory
Yet u kept revealing steadily

Though I am yet to see what,why and when
I still trust u dearest friend and saviour
But trusting each word u say
Guarding my heart with all dilligence
For out of it flows the issues of life
Betrayal didn't keep u from the cross
Hatred had no hold on u
Right in d middle of excruciating pain
You kept praying for ur enemies
Pls enlarge my heart dr God
And cause me to remain childlike at heart
Knowing u know d end right from d beginning

It hurts so deep am letting it all out
Not minding how 'rythmless' my poem is
But the hurt is nothg compared to my heartfelt gratitude
Thank u father for watchg my back..mwaah!

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