Monday, 23 July 2012

Doubts and clouds can't change your worth rubiee

A pearl of great price is sometimes hidden
Only the one who recognizes its worth appreciates its value...
Rough diamond? sandy pearls?
Far above rubies

Several admirers pass by
Some think they know its worth 
But clouded with thorns and thistles
Time reveals their confused state of mind

Would you sit patiently precious ruby
Allowing the master to have His way
Then you can be sure when he comes along
Remember, love is everything but unsure

While waiting don't ever doubt your true worth
No man can fully explain
Only the one who crafted you and placed a worth
Far above rubies

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Riches-sorrow=God's blessing

God's blessing makes rich and adds no sorrow...
When you pass through the fire, i will be with u...
All things work together for good...
Eyes have not seen,ears haven't heard,imaginations can't conceptualize what God has planned for his beloved

okay,those are my daddy's promises and they never fail.
Sometimes...i wonder which of them i need to hold on to right now
Dear HS, u can reveal the mind of God,pls share with me
I don't wanna be in the dark...
No matter what,i trust you and will wait for you!