Thanks to Gladdie, Bernard and Mike(GBM) for the rich sharing n bible study yesterday...
When Bernard opened to 1Pet 1 and mentioned the topic on 'holiness' i thought it was one of the sermon on d mount when you feel so depressed about your inability to match 'perfection' and all but was totally wrong..holiness can be wrongly percieved...
vs 13...Be holy means remain holy keep at it..but how? i really want to but eish..somtimes i can't help but let my carnalty take over..just yesterday i treaded the path of unholiness...could feel a conviction deep within but seemed like i was negotiating with the HS...that i will soon snap out of it and be back to him...but he longs for a time when i will remain there by His that's what helps..G-R-A-C-E,not my strength.
But then vs 13 also talks about self control..controlling actions..ok now that i know it is by grace..why am i being asked to be in control of my self..oops! isn't this gonna drive me crazy?? seems contradictory...But i love my father's words(Bible) because it strikes a balance. Meaning Toyin has a part to play by yeilding her power of choice for the HS to help her.
Back to the concept of Holiness, we(GBM) all seemed to agree that God desires truth in the inward part more than anything else. He calls David a man after His own heart despite his shortcomings. So it means holiness is about being pure and honest about our thoughts,feelings and actions. You know sometimes the moral code robs us from such honesty..(most times actually)
i'd rather say "God,i really don't like this person,i feel they are nasty and pretentious,but would you help me love them?"
Or "God i could do with a sweet kiss right nw i feel like being cuddled and all..but will rathr wait on u for the right time"
Or "God..right now i want to abscond from school(lol)..its pretty hectic but let ur will be done in these tough courses,give me grace and help me reflect ur glory"
Yes he is my God,my heavenly AWESOME father but may I not forget we are still best of friends.
Be holy,for I am holy.ojigbijigbijigbi!!! H-O-L-Y like THE ALMIGHTY GOD?
Seems too much to ask but i ofeten forget i carry God in my spirit, since i accepted Jesus as my Lord and saviour,i have been granted access to the throne of grace. That means God can work thru me to be holy
How about my flesh that constantly wages war against my spirit and my soul that has been clogged with a lot of mundane things and fast losing its sensitivity to the things of the Spirit?
Every moment...everyday..i experience the immeasurable love and goodness of God,i really don't think He will ask me for something impossible. He left the most calm,sweet, loving, caring,intelligent friend(HS)with me. HS is even so Holy..first word in His name. Trinity is represented within my innermost being but there is still this daily struggle with my body and spirit and guess what the soul is not neutral at all oo.It's craving after the body..but all join na for my Jesus..jump up let ur head touch d ceiling...U have been redeemed by grace and will eventually do what the spirit dictactes.
Am so excited...cos I know everyday in everyway I am being transformed into the image of Christ to reflect God's glory.
Dear Blog..may I start putting my body under subjection by getting back to studying and leaving this blog? writing exams by the way..first paper was great by God's will be excellent in Jesus name(Amen)
Bye blog...c u in real time....miss u